The JOY Exhibition


I co-created The JOY Exhibition with Paul Kalbleisch, co-author of The JOY Experiments — a book about creating collective joy in public urban spaces — with the goal of bringing ideas from the book to the general public in an engaging, accessible way. The exhibition showcased work from local artists (including Sharl G. Smith, Pamela Rojas, Nicole Beno, and Meghan Sims) and invited people to play in public with strangers through a series of interactive installations. One such installation was the HATE Wall, pictured below. We printed the word in seven foot tall letters and invited people to cover it up with a bright sticker, on which they wrote something which brings them joy. The wall was covered in a matter of days. Another installation was the Pool Noodle House, a playhouse-like structure with a grid of holes through which people could push foam pool noodles, creating patterns and threading the foam noodles together.


Brand — Improvisation Festival


Public Art — Artist Residency